People that experience heel or foot pain can typically seek help from orthotics to help remedy the issue. Orthotics are also known as shoe inserts that are designed to help with abnormal foot movements or a sports injury. For example, some people find that the arch of their feet may hurt when walking, so they could benefit from extra cushioning to dampen some of the force to create a more comfortable stride.
3D orthotics is a relatively new field that uses 3D scanning, modelling, and printing technology to create bespoke orthotics that are designed to fit perfectly around your feet and gait from the data collected. With the help of a footscan gait analysis, you could drastically improve the quality of your 3D custom orthotics and ensure that they’re the right fit for your needs.
What are 3D orthotics?

Orthotics are wearables that can help you cope with a range of different debilitating conditions. 3D orthotics merge this concept with the increasing accessibility of 3D printing hardware and software. This makes it possible to use 3D imaging techniques such as a gait analysis system in order to calculate how much support your joints need and then design a bespoke solution based on that information.
The result is a much more accurate and easier-to-produce orthotic device that is completely bespoke and designed around your needs.
What is the difference between gait analysis and a Footscan Gait Analysis System?

A regular gait analysis involves wearing a neutral shoe and then running on a treadmill for around 20 to 30 seconds. This allows the foot specialist to look at your landing and detect any biomechanical misalignments and issues that should be corrected. However, most of the analysis is done visually with a frame by frame replay of how your foot strikes the ground..
A Dynamic Footscan® Gait Analysis uses patented technology to help your foot specialist analyse your gait. Depending on your ne
eds, you’ll be asked to walk, run, or even squat on a matt-like sensor known as a “Force Plate”. It contains 12,288 sensors arranged in a 192x64 matrix with a scanning rate of up to 200HZ, allowing for a professional measurement of your gait. It measures multiple factors such as foot biomechanics, balance, pressure spread, and walking. It creates an automated report that is then assessed and used to create a custom-fit orthotic that is tailored to your body.
In short, a Dynamic Footscan® Gait Analysis is much more comprehensive and gives the foot specialist more data to work with when analysing your gait. This gives them a deeper understanding of any gait or foot issues that you might be having so they can prepare a better solution for long-term use.
How does Footscan work?
A footscan is typically used to measure pressure and force distribution at high speeds and high resolutions. The data is used to get a clearer picture of how you stand and balance through measurements of your postural sway, weight distribution, and where your centre of gravity is.
Footscan systems make use of small sensors to accurately measure small deviations in your foot mechanics, giving your foot specialist a bigger picture of any foot-related issues that you might have.
What is the purpose of custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics are designed to support problematic areas of your foot. This can help you lift the arch of your foot and relieve heel pain. They can also help you compensate for joint deformities in ankle, knee and hip pain.
In comparison to off-the-shelf orthotics, custom options give you a lot more control over the final product and it accounts for very slight differences in your feet and gait. While it takes a little longer to prepare custom orthotics, they are designed as a long-term solution to help you walk and run more comfortably.
How long do custom orthotics usually last?
Custom orthotics can typically last around two to three years, but this is a very general estimate and can vary from one to two years depending on how often they are used.
In general, you can expect to get two to three years of use if they are used on a regular basis and for heavy activities such as running. However, if you seldom use your orthotics or only take part in light activities such as walking, then you can expect them to last three to four years if they are taken care of.
Are custom orthotics good for your feet?

The answer is yes! Orthotics are designed to reduce pain and help make your gait more comfortable, but are they good for the long-term health of your feet? They help with plantar fasciitis, other heel pain, hip pain and ligament problems.
Custom insole orthotics have been scientifically proven as a way to overcome pain and discomfort with no long-term side effects. However, off-the-shelf insoles and orthotics can be dangerous and harmful to your body. These foot orthotics for your feet can lead to risk of injury due to them being designed as a one-size-fits-all solution that rarely helps users.
Are custom orthotics bad?
Custom orthotics are good for your feet and are scientifically proven to improve comfort and overcome pain. However, custom orthotics can be badly designed if the method used to create them is rushed or the foot specialist doesn’t pay close attention to their patients.
How much do 3D print custom orthotics cost?

3D printed orthotics are much more affordable than older custom orthotics due to the processes used to create them. Since production is much faster and the final result is easier to modify, it has drastically reduced the price of custom orthotics, making it far more accessible.
What are Phits orthotics?
Phits is the world’s first high-tech 3D custom printed insole that is specifically designed based on your dynamic gait analysis. They offer superior stability, comfort, and even durability while being surprisingly lightweight.
Are Phits insoles worth it?
Phits are 3D printed orthotics, hence they are well worth the money assuming your foot specialist is careful about your dynamic gait analysis and uses it correctly to ensure an optimal product that helps you reduce inflammation and improve comfort.
Should I wear my insoles all the time?

Orthotics can take a bit of time to get used to. As such, it’s generally recommended that you wear them as often as possible so that your body can adjust to them. This is often known as a “breaking in” period that may even cause a bit of pain or discomfort at first.
Most people can expect to wear new orthotics for around two to four weeks before they get accustomed to them. After this period, they will feel much more comfortable to wear and there won’t be any pain.
If you've been suffering from foot pain or are ready to make the switch from over-the-counter insoles to 3D customer orthotics with a footscan gait analysis, we can help. Contact us today to book an appointment.